
Reducing Chronic Absenteeism by Half: Bipartisan Coalition Urges Action to Keep Kids in School

As the education system grapples with a myriad of challenges, from poor reading skills to chaotic classrooms, one issue stands out as a crucial linchpin to addressing all others: chronic absenteeism. The persistent high rates at which students are absent from school have made it increasingly difficult to make progress in improving educational outcomes. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, a bipartisan coalition has come together to champion a campaign aimed at halving chronic absenteeism rates in schools by the 2026-27 school year.

The Impact of Chronic Absenteeism

During the 2021-22 school year, chronic absenteeism rates reached unprecedented levels across the country, exacerbating existing educational disparities. The disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic further amplified the problem, leading to a nearly doubled share of students missing significant amounts of school. This alarming trend has underscored the need for decisive action to reverse the negative impact of chronic absenteeism on student achievement.

Despite efforts by many schools to address chronic absenteeism, the issue remains pervasive and persistent. Defined as when students miss 10% or more of the school year, chronic absenteeism poses a significant barrier to academic success. To combat this challenge effectively, the coalition emphasizes the importance of setting ambitious goals and implementing concrete strategies to achieve them. By sharing success stories from states and school districts that have effectively tackled absenteeism, the coalition aims to inspire and guide others in their efforts to improve attendance rates.

The Connection to Pandemic Learning Loss

The disruption caused by the pandemic has underscored the critical link between chronic absenteeism and academic performance. Students of all backgrounds and achievement levels have experienced higher rates of absenteeism in recent years, regardless of whether their schools faced prolonged closures. This widespread phenomenon has created a ripple effect, complicating everything from establishing classroom routines to maintaining continuity in lesson plans.

Hedy Chang, the executive director of Attendance Works, emphasizes the urgency of addressing chronic absenteeism in light of the challenges posed by the pandemic. The coalition’s efforts to combat absenteeism are seen as a vital step towards mitigating the impact of pandemic-related learning loss and ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to succeed.

An Unlikely Coalition

The coalition leading the charge to reduce chronic absenteeism comprises an unlikely trio of organizations: the American Enterprise Institute, The Education Trust, and Attendance Works. This diverse partnership reflects a shared commitment to addressing the pressing issue of chronic absenteeism across ideological lines. Nat Malkus, deputy director of education policy at the American Enterprise Institute, underscores the significance of concerted efforts to counter the rising trend of chronic absenteeism and prevent it from becoming the new normal in education.

Denise Forte, head of The Education Trust, highlights the unique opportunity presented by the collaboration between organizations with differing perspectives. The joint advocacy for reducing chronic absenteeism underscores the universal impact of absenteeism on student outcomes and the need for collective action to address this critical issue.

State Success Stories

Education officials from Virginia and Rhode Island shared insights into their states’ efforts to combat chronic absenteeism and improve student outcomes. Lisa Coons, Virginia’s superintendent of public instruction, pointed to the correlation between chronic absenteeism and academic performance, citing data showing lower test scores among chronically absent students. Coons stressed the importance of breaking the cycle of absenteeism to prevent students from falling further behind.

In Rhode Island, state officials implemented innovative strategies to reduce chronic absenteeism, including “We miss you” billboards and a public dashboard tracking daily attendance rates. AngĂ©lica Infante-Green, the state’s education commissioner, highlighted the collaborative approach involving parents, community members, and state officials in addressing absenteeism. By engaging stakeholders at all levels, Rhode Island made significant progress in reducing chronic absenteeism rates and improving student attendance.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the progress made in some states, chronic absenteeism remains a persistent challenge nationwide. As schools grapple with the transition from pandemic-related disruptions to a new normal, the coalition recognizes the need for tailored approaches to address the root causes of absenteeism in diverse communities. With the expiration of COVID relief funding, schools must find sustainable strategies to continue their efforts to reduce chronic absenteeism and support student success.

Looking Ahead

The coalition’s campaign to cut chronic absenteeism rates in half by the 2026-27 school year represents a bold commitment to improving student outcomes and addressing the systemic barriers to educational success. By fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and advocating for targeted interventions, the coalition aims to create a more equitable and inclusive education system for all students. As schools navigate the complexities of post-pandemic recovery, addressing chronic absenteeism emerges as a critical priority to ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive in the classroom.

In conclusion, the coalition’s efforts to reduce chronic absenteeism reflect a shared commitment to improving educational outcomes and fostering a culture of attendance and engagement in schools. By highlighting successful strategies, sharing data-driven insights, and engaging stakeholders at all levels, the coalition aims to make meaningful progress in addressing chronic absenteeism and supporting student success. As the education landscape continues to evolve, the coalition’s advocacy for reducing absenteeism serves as a beacon of hope for a more equitable and inclusive education system.