Tag: Standardized Testing


Disheartening Trends in NAEP Scores for Low-Performing Students

Disheartening Trends in NAEP Scores for Low-Performing StudentsThe 2024 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results have painted a stark picture of the state...

Improving Student Learning: Overcoming School Obstacles – The Educators Room

Student learning is a crucial aspect of education that focuses on acquiring knowledge and skills to achieve specific goals. However, recent assessments of students'...

Should Exams Be Abolished? Pros and Cons of Eliminating Exams

In the coming days, many young people will receive grades that are said to shape their futures. These grades, often the result of years...

Study Finds Majority of Middle and High School Grades Incorrect: Proof Points

A recent study conducted by the Equitable Grading Project has revealed shocking findings about the accuracy of grades given to middle and high school...



Exploring STEM with Engineers: A Student’s Guide

Phoenix Contact engineers are once again stepping into the shoes of teachers, bringing their expertise to sixth-grade science classes at Middletown Area Middle School...

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