Tag: Child Development


Exploring Piaget’s Theory for Student Cognitive Development

Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development has had a significant impact on educational practices, emphasizing the importance of understanding how students think and learn in order to teach effectively. Piaget proposed that children progress...

Solving Common Problems in Early Education: Strategies for Parents and Educators

In the world of early education, the impact of the pandemic is still being felt, particularly in the behavior of young students. Kindergarten and pre-K children have experienced noticeable declines in self-regulation, social skills,...

Solving Early Education Challenges: Strategies and Solutions

The impact of the pandemic is still being felt in early education, with noticeable effects on student behavior, social skills, and language development. Becca Carter and Srikar Dronam emphasize the importance of addressing these...

Ensuring Children’s Well-Being: The Importance of High-Quality Child Care

Young children thrive when they are well cared for by loving and attentive adults. However, the child care crisis has made quality child care harder to find. Over the past five years, there has...