
I have been a teacher for many years, and I have always used examples of presidents to teach my students about behavior and leadership. From Bill Clinton to Barack Obama, I have compared their actions to what I expect from my students. However, in recent years, the behavior of political leaders has made it challenging to find positive examples to share with my class.

President Joe Biden’s recent decision to not seek a second term and instead endorse Kamala Harris was a refreshing change from the divisive politics we have seen in recent years. Despite facing criticism from his political rival, Donald J. Trump, President Biden chose to put the needs of the country first and support a candidate he believed in.

As a teacher, I am always looking for positive role models for my students, and President Biden’s actions have provided just that. His willingness to step aside and support someone else for the greater good is the type of leadership I want my students to learn from and emulate.

In a time when political discourse has become increasingly negative and divisive, President Biden’s decision to endorse Kamala Harris with grace and dignity is a shining example of patriotism and leadership. I hope that whoever becomes the next president will continue to set a positive example for the students of our country.

Overall, President Biden’s impact on education in the US goes beyond policy decisions. His actions serve as a valuable lesson for students about the importance of putting the needs of others before our own and working together for the greater good. As a teacher, I am grateful for this teachable moment and hopeful that it will inspire my students to strive for similar levels of leadership and integrity in their own lives.