
Journalist’s Article:

Vice President Kamala Harris has a unique opportunity to shift towards the center on education policy, which could help address some of her political weaknesses and increase her chances of success in future elections. By making strategic moves in the education sector, Harris can appeal to a broader audience and distance herself from the more extreme elements of the Democratic Party.

One area where Harris could demonstrate moderation is in addressing the issue of classroom discipline. Following the disruptions caused by the pandemic and the reforms advocated during the Black Lives Matter movement, many classrooms across the country have been struggling with unruly behavior. Harris could emphasize the importance of order and respect in classrooms, advocating for stricter discipline policies and greater support for teachers. By taking a firm stance on issues like cellphone use in classrooms and chronic absenteeism, she could show that she values a safe and productive learning environment for all students.

While Harris could align with her teachers’ union base on the issue of discipline, she could also distinguish herself from President Biden by challenging the unions on other education-related matters. One potential approach would be to revisit her proposal to increase teacher salaries nationwide, but this time with a focus on accountability and performance-based evaluations. By advocating for measures that tie tenure to teacher effectiveness, Harris could signal that she is not afraid to challenge the status quo and prioritize student learning outcomes.

Additionally, Harris could express support for public charter schools as a way to demonstrate her commitment to school choice and educational innovation. Public opinion polls indicate strong support for school choice among parents, especially among communities of color. By endorsing public charter schools, Harris could tap into this popular sentiment while also highlighting the importance of addressing achievement gaps and supporting students in the wake of the pandemic.

Ultimately, Harris has the opportunity to position herself as a more centrist and pragmatic leader by embracing education reform and advocating for policies that prioritize student success and teacher accountability. By taking a nuanced approach to education policy, Harris can appeal to a broader range of voters and distinguish herself from previous Democratic administrations. This strategic pivot towards the center could help Harris build a stronger political foundation and broaden her appeal in future elections.