
Improving School Safety: Enhancing Achievement, Instructional Time, and Educator Retention

In today’s educational landscape, creating safe school environments for both staff and students is paramount. The safety and well-being of all individuals within a school setting are crucial for fostering a conducive learning environment. According to the 2024 National Educator Survey Report from CENTEGIX, 77 percent of educators and administrators believe that school safety significantly impacts staff retention and recruitment. However, only 33 percent feel that their school or district highly prioritizes staff safety. This disconnect highlights the need for schools to place a greater emphasis on creating safe spaces where educators and students can thrive.

Collaborating with law enforcement is one effective strategy to strengthen school safety. By working closely with local police departments and other law enforcement agencies, schools can enhance their emergency response protocols and ensure a swift and coordinated response to any potential threats. Building strong partnerships with law enforcement also helps schools leverage external resources and expertise to address safety concerns effectively.

In addition to collaborating with law enforcement, wearable panic buttons have emerged as a valuable tool for enhancing school safety. These devices enable educators and students to quickly alert authorities in case of an emergency, allowing for a rapid and coordinated response. Wearable panic buttons provide an added layer of protection and peace of mind for individuals within a school setting, empowering them to take action in critical situations.

For more news and resources on school safety, educators can visit eSN’s Educational Leadership hub. This platform offers a wealth of information and insights on best practices, innovative technologies, and strategies for improving school safety. By staying informed and proactive, educators can play a vital role in creating safe and secure learning environments for all.

The findings from the nationwide survey of 530 K-12 educators and administrators shed light on the critical issue of school safety and its impact on staff retention, recruitment, and student well-being. The survey revealed pervasive concerns around staff safety and highlighted the importance of creating safe school environments that empower staff to actively participate in safety protocols during emergency situations.

Key Findings of the Report:

School Safety and Student Achievement:

– 84 percent of respondents affirmed that school safety directly impacts student achievement.
– 83 percent reported that students have varying levels of concern for their safety while at school.
– 56 percent reported losing two or more hours of instructional time per week to address emergency or safety incidents, equivalent to nine or more school days annually.

Educator Retention and Recruitment:

– 77 percent believe that school safety significantly impacts staff retention and recruitment.
– 45 percent have considered leaving or have left their job due to feeling unsafe.
– 57 percent know of a colleague who has left their job due to feeling unsafe.

Personal Safety and Emergency Preparedness:

– 80 percent regularly think about their own physical safety while at work.
– Only 33 percent perceive a high prioritization of staff safety by schools.
– 74 percent do not feel fully supported by their employer to handle emergency incidents.

The survey also provided insights into the resources educators utilize to handle emergency situations, with cell phones being the most prominent tool. However, relying solely on personal cell phones can present challenges, especially in high-stress situations. The survey identified gaps in notification and response times, emphasizing the need for rapid and efficient emergency response protocols.

According to Ron Self, the director of safety and security in the Little Rock School District, relying on personal cell phones for emergency communication posed significant issues. Schools must prioritize providing educators with reliable and efficient safety technology to ensure a swift and coordinated response to emergencies.

Dr. Roderick Sams, chief development officer of CENTEGIX, emphasized the importance of empowering schools with innovative safety technology to support educators and students. By equipping schools with effective safety measures, educators can focus on their core mission of instructing students, ultimately setting them up for future success.

In conclusion, school safety is a multifaceted issue that directly impacts student achievement, educator retention, and recruitment. Creating safe school environments, collaborating with law enforcement, and utilizing innovative safety technology are key strategies for enhancing school safety. By prioritizing safety and well-being, schools can create a conducive learning environment where both educators and students can thrive.