
Improving School Safety: A Crucial Component for Student Success

Creating safe school environments for both staff and students is a critical aspect of education that cannot be overlooked. Recent findings from the 2024 National Educator Survey Report by CENTEGIX shed light on the importance of school safety in impacting student achievement, instructional time, and educator retention. With only 33 percent of educators feeling that their school or district highly prioritizes staff safety, it is evident that there is still work to be done to ensure a safe learning environment for all.

Collaboration with law enforcement is a key strategy in strengthening school safety. By working together with local authorities, schools can implement effective safety protocols and response plans to address emergency situations promptly and effectively. Wearable panic buttons are another innovative tool that can help better protect students and educators in times of crisis, providing a quick and discreet way to signal for help when needed.

The survey findings reveal that school safety directly impacts student achievement and well-being. An overwhelming 84 percent of educators agree that school safety plays a significant role in student achievement, highlighting the need for safe and secure learning environments. Additionally, 83 percent of students express some level of concern for their safety while at school, underscoring the importance of addressing these fears to promote a positive and productive learning experience.

One concerning statistic from the survey is that 56 percent of educators report losing two or more hours of instructional time each week to address emergency or safety incidents. This loss of valuable teaching time equates to nine or more school days annually, emphasizing the need for efficient safety protocols and procedures to minimize disruptions to the learning environment.

Furthermore, school safety is a critical factor in educator retention and recruitment. A staggering 77 percent of respondents believe that school safety significantly impacts staff retention and recruitment, with 45 percent admitting to considering leaving or having left their job due to feeling unsafe. Additionally, 57 percent know of a colleague who has left their job for the same reason, highlighting the detrimental effects of inadequate safety measures on educator morale and job satisfaction.

Ensuring personal safety and emergency preparedness are top priorities for educators. While 80 percent regularly think of their own physical safety while at work, only 33 percent perceive a high prioritization of staff safety by schools. This discrepancy underscores the need for schools to prioritize the safety and well-being of their staff members, providing them with the support and resources necessary to handle emergency incidents effectively.

The survey also sheds light on the various resources educators utilize to handle emergency situations, with cell phones being the most commonly used tool. However, relying solely on personal cell phones can present challenges and barriers in times of crisis, emphasizing the importance of implementing more reliable and efficient communication systems for emergency response. The survey results reveal significant gaps in notification and response times, underscoring the need for rapid and effective response measures in emergency situations.

In response to the survey findings, education leaders like Ron Self, director of safety and security in the Little Rock School District, emphasize the importance of identifying the right safety solutions for school districts. Self notes the issues that arose when staff relied on personal cell phones for emergency communication, highlighting the need for more robust and reliable safety technology to ensure a swift and coordinated response to emergencies.

Dr. Roderick Sams, chief development officer of CENTEGIX and a seasoned educator and administrator, stresses the urgent need for schools to provide educators with the tools they need to feel confident and safe in their work environment. By empowering schools with innovative safety technology, educators can respond to emergency situations more rapidly and effectively, ensuring the well-being of both staff and students. Sams emphasizes that prioritizing school safety is essential for creating a conducive learning environment where educators can focus on instructing students and students can prioritize their education.

In conclusion, improving school safety is crucial for enhancing student achievement, maintaining instructional time, and retaining educators. By prioritizing staff safety, collaborating with law enforcement, and implementing innovative safety technology, schools can create safe and secure learning environments that foster student success. It is imperative for schools to address the findings of the National Educator Survey Report and take proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of their staff and students. Only by working together can we create a safe and supportive educational environment for all.