
Paige Johnson, Vice-President at Microsoft Education, recently shared her insights from this year’s ISTE conference, highlighting the growing importance of generative AI in transforming education. Microsoft’s focus on integrating AI to enhance educational experiences and support educators and students was a key takeaway from the event.

The shift towards embracing AI in education was evident at ISTE, with many educators moving from initial skepticism to practical application of this technology. Microsoft’s goal is to personalize education, improve operational efficiencies, and prepare students for future careers through the strategic use of AI.

Professional development for educators and IT leaders was also emphasized as crucial for the effective adoption of AI and technology in schools. Both top-down and bottom-up strategies are necessary to ensure successful implementation and utilization of these tools.

Schools were encouraged to maximize the use of existing technology and resources, including free tools and learning accelerators provided by Microsoft products. The potential of AI to address educational challenges and improve student outcomes was met with optimism at the conference, with a call for continued support and engagement from educational technologists and leaders.

In addition to focusing on the benefits of AI in education, the importance of digital citizenship and responsible use of AI and device management in classrooms was highlighted. Resources are available to guide educators and IT departments in ensuring the ethical and effective use of these technologies.

Overall, the insights shared by Paige Johnson at ISTE underscore the potential for AI to revolutionize education and improve learning outcomes for students. The key takeaway is the importance of ongoing professional development, strategic utilization of technology, and responsible implementation of AI in the classroom.

Kevin, an experienced media executive and education technology commentator, can be reached at for further insights and information. If you have a great resource to share, you can contact