
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a noticeable absence of students in K-12 schools due to chronic absenteeism. The average chronic absenteeism rate in 2022 rose to 28 percent, marking an 88 percent increase from 2019. Although there was a slight decrease in 2023, the rate remained significantly higher than the pre-pandemic baseline.

However, there is hope to combat student absenteeism, and it starts with teachers. Professional development (PD) opportunities are being utilized to address classroom behavioral issues and enhance student engagement. These efforts play a crucial role in motivating students to attend and remain in school, ultimately leading to a decrease in chronic absenteeism rates.

One key aspect highlighted is the significance of fostering a positive school climate and culture. Tension and stress within the school environment can contribute to chronic absenteeism among students. It is essential for educators and administrators to create a welcoming and safe space where students feel supported and valued. By implementing school-wide initiatives, such as anti-bullying programs and inclusivity efforts, schools can cultivate an environment conducive to learning.

Moreover, student engagement is vital in improving attendance rates. When students feel welcomed in the classroom, have choices in their learning, and participate in student-centered activities, they are more likely to attend school regularly. Professional development programs that focus on creating a positive learning environment and promoting student engagement can significantly impact absenteeism rates.

Overall, investing in high-quality professional learning opportunities can help educators address academic challenges, enhance classroom management, and boost student engagement. By prioritizing the development of positive learning environments and inclusive practices, schools can effectively reduce chronic absenteeism rates and keep students actively learning.

As districts continue to address these issues and invest in professional development, there is hope for a decline in absenteeism rates nationwide. By recognizing the importance of teacher training and student engagement, schools can work towards creating a supportive and engaging educational environment for all students.

Author: Milt Alexander, Catapult Learning
Recent Posts: Milt Alexander serves as a senior vice president at Catapult Learning. With over two decades of experience in education, including roles as a teacher, principal, PD coach, and administrator, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the field.