
Remember the excitement of starting a new school year? Shopping for new notebooks, picking out the perfect outfit for the first day of school, the smell of pencil sharpenings in the classroom? Just because you’re a grown-up doesn’t mean you can’t harness that buzzy back-to-school energy. Here are some activities you probably did in school as a kid, updated for the adult version of you. We hope these ideas inspire new routines and positive changes as you transition into fall.

1. **Meal-Prepping:** If you miss packing a school lunch, try meal prepping like Kevin Curry, founder of FitMenCook. Spend some time cooking a few dishes that you can mix and match over the next few days to keep your meals interesting and time-efficient.

2. **Wardrobe Revamp:** Even if you’re not doing back-to-school shopping, prioritize your personal style with a closet purge. Try on every item in your wardrobe and keep only the pieces that make you feel good. Use these as the foundation for your revamped style.

3. **Reading More Books:** Set aside time in the morning to read a few pages to kickstart your day. You’re less likely to fall asleep compared to reading before bed, and it’s a great way to start your day on a positive note.

4. **Better To-Do Lists:** Use the two-minute rule for quick tasks and break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. This approach helps you be more specific and actionable with your to-do list items.

5. **Incorporating Play:** Bring more play into your life by reflecting on the type of play you enjoyed as a child. It can be as simple as observing nature, engaging in a hobby, playing a board game, or adopting a playful outlook in your daily activities.

6. **Making New Friends:** Change your mindset on friendship by assuming that others also need friends. Take the initiative to reach out and be vulnerable in building new connections. Remember, everyone starts somewhere when it comes to making friends.

By incorporating these school-inspired activities into your adult life, you can recapture the excitement and energy of a new school year, even if you’re not heading back to the classroom. Embrace these simple yet effective strategies to refresh your routines and welcome the fall season with a positive mindset.