
Vice President Kamala Harris delivered an inspiring speech at the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Conference, outlining her vision for the future of education and America as a whole. As a proud product of public education, Harris emphasized the crucial role teachers play in shaping the next generation. She recounted how her first-grade teacher, Mrs. Frances Wilson, had a lasting impact on her life, highlighting the importance of educators in shaping the future leaders of our nation.

Championing Union Strength
One of the key themes of Harris’ address was the importance of union strength in protecting the rights of workers, particularly in the education sector. She criticized the “Project 2025” plan backed by Donald Trump and his allies, which sought to undermine the power of unions and roll back worker protections. Harris made it clear that she stands with teachers and education professionals in their fight for fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize.

Student Debt Relief
Harris also addressed the pressing issue of student loan debt, particularly for public servants like teachers. She shared the story of Tanya Cabeza, a Philadelphia teacher whose $40,000 in student loans were forgiven after 20 years of payments. Harris emphasized the Biden administration’s commitment to easing the burden of student debt and ensuring that educators are not weighed down by financial obligations as they strive to make a difference in the lives of their students.

Defending Freedom to Learn
In her speech, Harris took a stand against efforts to restrict the freedom to learn and teach certain aspects of history. She highlighted the importance of educators being able to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of our nation’s past, including its darker chapters. Harris condemned book bans and attempts to whitewash history, emphasizing the need for a truthful and inclusive education system that prepares students to be informed and engaged citizens.

Protecting Policy Issues
Harris addressed a range of policy issues affecting educators, including the right to organize, collective bargaining, and ending union busting. She pledged to sign the PRO Act into law if elected president, underscoring her commitment to supporting workers’ rights and ensuring fair treatment for all. By standing up for teachers and education professionals, Harris is sending a clear message that she values their contributions and will fight for their interests at the highest levels of government.

Call to Action
The speech concluded with a powerful call to action, urging AFT members to make their voices heard through voting and civic engagement. Harris reminded the audience that when they come together and demand what is fair, everyone benefits. By mobilizing and advocating for their rights, educators can drive positive change in their schools, communities, and the nation as a whole. Harris’s message resonated with the audience, inspiring them to take action and stand up for what they believe in.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris’s address at the AFT Conference showcased her unwavering support for public education, union strength, and the freedom to learn. By sharing personal anecdotes, policy proposals, and a call to action, Harris demonstrated her deep commitment to empowering educators and students across the country. As she continues to advocate for progressive policies and inclusive education, Harris is shaping a brighter future for America and paving the way for a more equitable and just society.