Tag: Science Education


Go Direct® Soil Moisture Sensor: A New Tool for High School and College Science

Introducing the Go Direct® Soil Moisture Sensor: Revolutionizing Science EducationIn a groundbreaking move for high school and college science education, Vernier Science Education has...

Engaging Middle School Students in STEM Learning: 5 Proven Approaches

Engaging Middle School Students in STEM Learning: 5 Proven ApproachesIn today's rapidly evolving world, the importance of STEM education cannot be overstated. Middle school...

Golden Era for Science Education: The Rise of Other Influencers

In the world of YouTube, where flashy stunts and giveaways often reign supreme, there is a quiet revolution happening. Channels like Numberphile, Stand-up Maths,...

MicroLAB Chemistry Accessories Now Exclusively Available Through Vernier Science Education

BEAVERTON, Oregon — Vernier Science Education has recently teamed up with MicroLAB to provide support to MicroLAB customers as MicroLAB leaders retire. In this...

MicroLAB Chemistry Accessories Now Available Exclusively Through Vernier Science Education

Vernier Science Education, based in BEAVERTON, Oregon, has recently teamed up with MicroLAB to offer support to customers as MicroLAB leaders retire. As a...

Enhancing Science Education: Dunham School District Students Return to Classrooms with Innovative Resources

Students in the Dunham School District (DSD) in California are in for an exciting school year as they return to classrooms with innovative resources...



Exploring STEM with Engineers: A Student’s Guide

Phoenix Contact engineers are once again stepping into the shoes of teachers, bringing their expertise to sixth-grade science classes at Middletown Area Middle School...

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