
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Leading the Way in Education Policies and Initiatives

Education has become a central focus in discussions surrounding the current presidential race since Democratic nominee Kamala Harris selected Tim Walz as her running mate. Walz, the governor of Minnesota, brings over two decades of experience in public schools, having worked as a geography teacher and football coach. His dedication to public education is evident, with one notable achievement being the signing of a bill in March 2023 that made school meals free for all students in public schools.

On the other hand, Harris, a former U.S. senator and attorney general in California, may not have as much experience in education as her running mate, but her track record indicates strong support for policies aimed at making child care more affordable, protecting immigrant and LGBTQ+ students, and expanding access to higher education through initiatives like free community college and loan forgiveness. Like Walz, Harris has staunchly defended schools and teachers against allegations of “indoctrination,” drawing from her personal experience of being bused in Berkeley, California, as part of a desegregation program.

Both Harris and Walz have received endorsements from the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, the two largest teachers unions in the country, which typically back Democratic candidates.

Early Childhood Education and Child Care Advocacy
Harris has been a vocal advocate for child care legislation during her tenure in the Biden administration, although the success of these proposals has varied. Amid the pandemic, the Biden administration allocated $39 billion in child care aid to support programs during challenging times. Additionally, efforts were made to reduce the cost of child care for certain military families and increase pay for teachers in federally funded Head Start programs to align with public school teachers’ salaries.

Earlier this year, Harris introduced a federal rule aimed at lowering child care costs for low-income families receiving assistance through federally funded programs and ensuring more reliable payments to child care providers. Similarly, Governor Walz of Minnesota has prioritized child care programs in his state, launching a $6 million grant program to expand child care capacity and support workers with increased wages, building on previous pandemic-era grants.

Family Leave, Tax Benefits, and Pre-K Expansion
Upon clinching the Democratic nominee position in July, Harris reiterated her support for paid family leave, a key component of her 2020 presidential campaign platform. She played a pivotal role in securing a temporary increase in the child tax credit during the pandemic and has proposed its permanent implementation. Walz, too, has championed these efforts at the state level, pushing through a paid family and medical leave law set to take effect in 2026 in Minnesota.

In terms of pre-K expansion, the Biden administration introduced a universal preschool program as part of the Build Back Better plan in 2021, though it faced challenges gaining Senate approval. Walz, on the other hand, recently signed legislation in Minnesota to increase public pre-K seats by 9,000 and provide training incentives for teachers.

Artificial Intelligence, Education Technology, and Cybersecurity
Harris has been instrumental in advancing the Biden administration’s initiatives on artificial intelligence, particularly with the launch of ChatGPT. An executive order signed by President Biden in 2023 directed the Education Department to develop resources, policies, and guidance on AI within schools and create an “AI toolkit” for educational institutions. Additionally, efforts have been made to address cybersecurity threats in K-12 schools, including a pilot program providing funding for cybersecurity services and equipment.

While Harris hasn’t directly addressed education technology, the Education Department released the National Education Technology Plan earlier this year, outlining strategies for integrating technology in education, addressing inequities, and bridging the digital divide. These initiatives aim to enhance learning experiences and bolster cybersecurity measures in schools.

Immigrant Students, LGBTQ+ Rights, and Title IX Protections
Harris has pledged to safeguard DACA recipients, offering protection to undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children. The Biden administration has emphasized the constitutional right of all children, regardless of immigration status, to access free public education. Efforts have been made to reunite migrant families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border, though challenges persist. In Minnesota, Walz has signed legislation providing free public college tuition for undocumented students from low-income families.

Both Harris and Walz have shown unwavering support for LGBTQ+ students and teachers. Harris sponsored the Equality Act in 2019, advocating for expanded protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity in education. Walz has implemented policies in Minnesota to protect LGBTQ+ individuals, including executive orders restricting conversion therapy and ensuring gender-affirming health care. Recent legislation also prohibits book bans based on ideology, with a focus on inclusivity and diversity in education.

Native Students, School Choice, and School Meals Initiatives
Harris, during her tenure as vice president, worked towards enhancing education for Native Americans, including a long-term plan to revitalize Native languages. Initiatives such as the infrastructure bill aimed to improve high-speed internet access on tribal lands to support education. Governor Walz of Minnesota has taken steps to make college tuition-free for Native American students and mandated training on Native American history for K-12 teachers in the state.

While Harris has voiced support for public schools, there is limited information on her stance regarding school vouchers or choice. Walz, however, has opposed private-school voucher legislation in Minnesota, advocating for strong public education systems. Notably, Walz signed a bill providing free school breakfasts and lunches to all students in public and charter schools in Minnesota, ensuring universal access to essential meals.

Student Mental Health, School Safety, and Teachers Unions
Harris has emphasized the importance of addressing childhood trauma and mental health challenges, advocating for more resources and culturally competent providers. The Biden administration has implemented measures to expand school mental health services and assess the impact of social media on youth mental health. Initiatives such as the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention aim to prevent school shootings and enhance safety measures in schools.

Governor Walz has allocated significant funds to support students facing mental health issues, recognizing the impact of external factors on learning. Both Harris and Walz have garnered support from teachers unions, aligning with their commitment to prioritize student well-being, education quality, and school safety. Collaborative efforts with educators and unions have been crucial in navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic and ensuring a robust recovery for schools.

Teaching U.S. History, Race, and Title I Funding
Harris and Walz have actively opposed attempts to suppress K-12 history instruction and minimize discussions around race and slavery. The Biden administration dissolved the 1776 commission and has advocated for inclusive and accurate historical education. Governor Walz’s education plan in Minnesota underscores the importance of inclusive instruction reflective of diverse student populations and emphasizes anti-bias training for educators.

Both Harris and Walz have supported efforts to increase Title I funding, aimed at providing resources for children from low-income families to access quality education. Proposals to enhance Title I spending have been put forth by the Biden administration, although full funding of these initiatives remains a challenge in Congress.

Higher Education Access, Accreditation, and Affirmative Action
Harris has been a vocal critic of for-profit colleges, advocating for student protections and accountability in higher education. Her support for affirmative action in college admissions reflects a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Governor Walz has championed free college initiatives, making two- and four-year public colleges in Minnesota tuition-free for students from low-income families.

The Biden administration’s proposals to make community college free and expand Pell grants aim to increase access to higher education. Efforts to improve accreditation standards and bolster student outcomes in higher education have been emphasized. Despite challenges, Harris and Walz remain committed to ensuring equitable access to quality higher education for all students.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have emerged as key advocates for education policies and initiatives that prioritize equity, inclusivity, and student well-being. Their collaborative efforts with teachers unions, community stakeholders, and policymakers reflect a commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all students. As the presidential race unfolds, their dedication to transformative education reforms remains at the forefront, shaping the future of education in America.