
In Russellville, Alabama, educators like Lindsey Johnson and Yesenia de la Rosa are working diligently to provide quality education to English language learners in the community. With a growing population of students who speak English as a second language, the district has faced challenges in meeting the needs of these students. Thanks to initiatives led by former superintendent Heath Grimes, significant progress has been made in supporting English language learners and improving their academic outcomes.

Grimes, who led the Russellville City school district from 2015 to 2024, implemented various programs and strategies to support English language learners. By hiring bilingual aides and implementing cultural awareness initiatives, Grimes aimed to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all students. Through his efforts, the district saw improvements in student performance and increased engagement from families in the community.

However, despite the positive impact of Grimes’ initiatives, his tenure as superintendent faced challenges. Political tensions and disagreements with city leaders, including Mayor David Grissom, ultimately led to Grimes’ departure from the district. Following his departure, some of the programs and practices implemented by Grimes have faced uncertainty, with concerns arising about the future of support for English language learners in the district.

As the district transitions to new leadership under Superintendent Tim Guinn, the community reflects on the legacy of Heath Grimes and the impact he had on students, families, and educators in Russellville. While the future of programs for English language learners remains uncertain, the community recognizes the importance of continuing to prioritize the needs of all students, regardless of background or language proficiency. Through ongoing advocacy and support, Russellville aims to build on the foundation laid by Grimes and continue to provide quality education for all students in the district.