
Improving Student Retention in Higher Education: Survey Findings on Data Practices

In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, student retention remains a critical concern for institutions across the United States and Canada. As competition rises and the value of higher education is scrutinized, colleges and universities are increasingly turning to data capture and analysis to identify risk factors and intervene before students abandon their educational pursuits.

The efforts to improve student retention are yielding positive results, with retention rates on the upswing according to researchers. This positive trend is attributed to institutions’ growing utilization of data-driven practices to understand the behaviors and experiences that may lead students to drop out prematurely.

To gain further insight into the strategies and initiatives that can drive student engagement and combat the factors contributing to student attrition, TouchNet collaborated with Higher Ed Dive’s studioID to conduct a survey among higher education leaders. The survey aimed to identify the experience levers that institutions prioritize or find effective in addressing student retention challenges.

Early Indicators of Imminent Student Dropout

The survey results shed light on the factors that tend to influence students’ decisions to leave before completing their degrees. Higher education leaders ranked various challenges based on their impact on students’ choice to drop out, with the top challenges including financial hardship, emotional or mental stress, job or family responsibilities, health challenges, and misalignment of courses with career goals.

Additionally, the survey highlighted the importance of factors such as a lack of sense of belonging or participation in non-academic campus activities, technology obstacles, inconsistent experiences with campus services, and resources or staff. These challenges underscore the multifaceted nature of student retention and the need for institutions to address a wide range of issues to prevent student attrition.

Identifying Disengagement Signals

Institutions can proactively intervene to prevent student dropout by recognizing early signs of disengagement. Survey respondents pointed to several trackable behaviors that indicate a student may be at risk of imminent withdrawal, including frequent class absences, slipping grades, overdue tuition payments, underutilization of resources and services, difficulty attending campus activities, tardiness, and lack of participation in campus events or clubs.

By monitoring these behaviors and implementing targeted interventions, institutions can effectively support students who may be struggling and prevent them from leaving before completing their education.

Tracking Trending Behaviors for Early Intervention

While higher education has traditionally lagged behind other industries in data utilization, the sector is making strides in leveraging data to inform decision-making processes. The survey revealed that more leaders are now using data to guide their decisions, with a particular focus on trending student behaviors, health services usage, and financial data.

One key source of valuable data for many institutions is the campus ID, which integrates various aspects of student life, from dining hall swipes to building access. By analyzing this rich pool of data, institutions can identify trends, risks, and opportunities that can inform retention strategies and drive revenue growth.

Case Study: California College of the Arts

The California College of the Arts (CCA) serves as a prime example of how institutions can leverage student activity data to inform decision-making and improve student retention. By centralizing student data such as class registrations, payments, activity participation, and meal plan usage, CCA staff can gain valuable insights into student behaviors and preferences.

According to Michelle Ziegmann, CCA’s associate vice president of technology services, access to comprehensive student data enables the institution to provide timely and relevant services to support students on their path to graduation. This proactive approach to data utilization has proven to be instrumental in identifying hidden risks and opportunities that may impact student retention.

Heather Richmond, vice president of marketing for TouchNet, emphasizes the importance of leveraging campus ID data to make informed decisions and address retention challenges effectively. By analyzing student data, institutions can identify potential areas of improvement and allocate resources strategically to enhance the student experience and boost retention rates.

Preventing a Domino Effect of Disengagement and Dissatisfaction

Student success is influenced by a myriad of factors that are interconnected and cumulative in nature. Grades, event attendance, sense of belonging, and other experiences all play a role in shaping student sentiment toward their institution. A single point of failure, such as financial hardship or emotional stress, can trigger a domino effect that negatively impacts the overall student experience.

A unified source of campuswide data serves as a valuable tool for institutions to identify potential risks, optimize resources, and enhance student engagement. By leveraging evidence-based data analytics, higher education leaders can proactively address retention challenges and create a more supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students.


In conclusion, the survey findings underscore the critical importance of data-driven practices in improving student retention in higher education. By identifying early indicators of imminent student dropout, tracking trending behaviors, and preventing a domino effect of disengagement, institutions can enhance student engagement, support student success, and ultimately increase retention rates.

As higher education continues to evolve, institutions must prioritize data capture and analysis to inform strategic decision-making and drive positive outcomes for students. By leveraging the power of data, institutions can proactively address retention challenges, enhance the student experience, and foster a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.

To learn more about the survey findings and strategies for strengthening student retention at your institution, download the full report and schedule a complimentary consultation with TouchNet. Embrace the power of data to drive student success and elevate the higher education experience for all.