
Growing up in a household where formal education only extended through fourth grade, my parents instilled in me and my sister the belief that education was the key to a better life. They had immigrated from Guatemala to the United States with the hope that their children would have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. Like many parents, they made sacrifices and endured hardships to ensure that we had access to a good education.

The importance of education was a recurring theme in my upbringing, with my parents constantly emphasizing its value. They placed their hopes and dreams on the public school system in our city, believing that it would provide us with the opportunities we needed to succeed. As I reflect on my journey through K-12 education, I realize that the lessons I learned extended far beyond academics.

One of the most significant moments in my educational journey occurred during my eighth-grade year. It was the last day to register for the entrance exam to Classical High School in Providence, the only test-in public high school in the city. I had neglected to sign up, but thanks to the intervention of my guidance counselor, Mr. Lou Toro, I was able to register in time. His actions changed the course of my life and set me on a path towards success that I may not have otherwise found.

Attending Classical High School was a transformative experience for me. It provided me with the opportunity to be surrounded by peers who shared a similar drive and ambition. The school’s culture encouraged us to aim high and support each other in our pursuits. Looking back, I am grateful for the friendships I formed at Classical, as they helped shape my values and aspirations.

One of the most profound realizations I had during my time at Classical was the role of luck in shaping our lives. Had it not been for Mr. Toro’s intervention, I may not have had the opportunity to attend the school that ultimately set me on a path towards success. This awareness of the role of chance has instilled in me a sense of humility and compassion as I navigate through life.

As I reflect on the impact of Classical High School on my life, I am reminded of the importance of high-quality public school options for all children. Schools like Classical not only provide a top-notch education but also impart valuable life lessons that can have a lasting impact. In my current role at Democrats for Education Reform, I advocate for a diverse range of public school options, including test-in magnet schools, to ensure that every child has access to a quality education.

In conclusion, my journey through high school at Classical High School has shaped me in ways that extend far beyond academics. The friendships I formed, the lessons I learned, and the opportunities I had access to have all played a significant role in shaping the person I am today. I am grateful for the support of mentors like Mr. Toro and the enduring friendships I formed during my time at Classical. I hope that every child has the opportunity to attend a school that empowers them to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.