
Back-to-School Reflections: Children’s Thoughts on a Fresh Academic Year

As students across the country embark on a new academic year, the excitement and nerves are palpable. Three young students, Emmett Friend from Chicago, Maria Guillan from Orlando, Florida, and Alice Trithart from Potsdam, New York, share their reflections on the start of the school year.

Excitement and Nerves

Emmett Friend, a first-grader from Chicago, expresses a mix of emotions as he enters a new grade level. He shares, “I feel a lot older. I’m a lot taller than I was last year. And I have a different age, different grade, and getting to learn about new things. I learned about senses.” Emmett’s eagerness to learn and grow is evident as he navigates through the beginning of the school year.

Similarly, Maria Guillan, a kindergartener from Orlando, Florida, exudes joy at the prospect of reuniting with her friends and engaging in various activities. Maria says, “I see all my friends I enjoy. I do so much stuff.” Her enthusiasm for social interactions and learning experiences sets a positive tone for her academic journey ahead.

Alice Trithart, a first-grader from Potsdam, New York, shares a blend of fear and excitement as she embarks on a new school year. She reflects, “I felt lots of kind of feelings but mostly scared and excited.” Alice’s honesty about the apprehension and anticipation that come with a fresh start resonates with many students facing similar emotions.

Favorite Subjects and Learning Moments

As the students settle into their classrooms, they each have subjects and learning moments that captivate their interests. Alice Trithart reveals her fondness for math, citing its surprising nature as a source of enjoyment. She remarks, “My favorite part of going to school is math. Because math is surprising, and I like surprises.” Alice’s enthusiasm for the unexpected challenges and discoveries in mathematics showcases her curiosity and love for learning.

Emmett Friend shares his passion for dinosaur history, emphasizing the allure of these prehistoric creatures. He exclaims, “So I love dinosaur history because it’s really great. I’ve been trying to convince my classmates that dinosaurs are, like, the best animal. They keep saying bears, bears, bears.” Emmett’s enthusiasm for educating his peers about dinosaurs reflects his interest in sharing knowledge and sparking curiosity among his classmates.

Maria Guillan delves into the realm of language and phonics, expressing her delight in learning new sounds and letters. She exclaims, “Learned sounds like the letter ooh or ah or uh.” Maria’s enthusiasm for linguistic exploration and phonetic discoveries showcases her eagerness to expand her vocabulary and communication skills.

Memorable Moments and Anticipations

As the students navigate the initial days of the school year, they encounter memorable moments that leave a lasting impact on their experiences. Alice Trithart recounts a magical encounter with her teacher, who introduced mysterious keys to the class. She shares, “My teacher pulled out some magic keys. And she said they were magical, and I can’t wait to find out more about them. And someone also threw up.” Alice’s anticipation for unraveling the mystery behind the magical keys adds an element of excitement to her academic journey.

Emmett Friend reflects on the growth and transformation he undergoes with each passing day in school. He notes, “Once you learn something, your brain can get a crack inside, which releases smarts.” Emmett’s realization of the continuous learning process and its impact on cognitive development underscores the importance of education in shaping young minds.

Maria Guillan’s vibrant personality and zest for learning shine through as she embraces new challenges and discoveries in the classroom. Her eagerness to engage with her peers and teachers reflects a genuine enthusiasm for academic growth and personal development.

In conclusion, the start of a new school year brings a myriad of emotions and experiences for students like Emmett Friend, Maria Guillan, and Alice Trithart. As they navigate through the challenges and triumphs of academic life, their reflections serve as a testament to the resilience and curiosity of young minds eager to learn and grow. Here’s to a wonderful school year filled with exploration, discovery, and endless possibilities.