
Back-to-School Advice for Students of All Ages

As students gear up to go back to school, they may be experiencing a mix of emotions. For many, the start of a new school year can bring feelings of excitement, nervousness, or even anxiety. These emotions are completely normal and are often part of the back-to-school experience. To help students navigate the upcoming school year successfully, it can be beneficial to seek advice from those who have been through it before. That’s why we reached out to students across the country to share their best tips on going back to school, from elementary to high school. Here is a compilation of their insightful advice to help students of all ages thrive in the upcoming school year.

Lucy González Brix — Second Grade

Lucy, a second-grader from Charles City, Va., has some valuable advice that extends beyond the classroom. She emphasizes the importance of learning about money and kindness. Lucy mentions that knowing how to add coins is crucial to prevent being scammed and stresses the significance of kindness in building friendships. Her kindness was even recognized with an award at her school, highlighting the impact of her positive attitude and actions.

Ziva Grossman — Third Grade

For third-grader Ziva, making the most of school days involves savoring lunch and recess. She suggests that enjoying these breaks can help alleviate the feeling that school days are endless. Additionally, Ziva recommends using resources like Khan Academy to brush up on math skills before the school year begins, demonstrating the benefits of supplemental learning tools outside the classroom.

Levi Chowske and Gemma Stahl — Sixth Grade

Levi and Gemma, both sixth graders, offer practical advice for a successful school year. Levi stresses the importance of writing neatly to avoid having to redo work, emphasizing the value of organization and attention to detail. Gemma highlights the significance of not procrastinating or cutting corners, opting for a sturdy backpack to carry her books and supplies. Their tips underscore the importance of preparedness and diligence in navigating the demands of sixth grade.

Sophia Robinson — Seventh Grade

Seventh-grader Sophia from Wilmington, N.C., places great importance on friendships in her school experience. She values forming study groups with friends to tackle assignments and tests collaboratively, emphasizing the support and camaraderie that come from shared learning experiences. Sophia’s emphasis on organization and a positive attitude reflects her proactive approach to academic success.

Abram Baker — Eighth Grade

Eighth-grader Abram, also from Wilmington, stresses the importance of preparation before the school year begins. He recommends reading all school-related emails, completing school shopping early, and ensuring that essential supplies like binders, pencils, notebooks, and calculators are ready. Abram’s proactive approach highlights the benefits of staying ahead of the curve to start the school year on the right foot.

Klara Lind and Arrow Wedel — Ninth Grade

As incoming freshmen, Klara and Arrow share their perspectives on transitioning to high school. Klara acknowledges the shift from the relaxed atmosphere of middle school to the increased demands of high school, emphasizing the importance of paying attention in classes. She also advises younger students to focus on building friendships that can provide support throughout their academic journey. Arrow recommends carrying a water bottle as a practical tip for staying hydrated and taking breaks as needed. Their insights shed light on the challenges and opportunities that come with the high school experience.

Selvam Antony — Eleventh Grade

Eleventh-grader Selvam from Murray, Ky., offers wisdom gained from his high school journey. He emphasizes the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, packing school supplies, and maintaining a positive attitude toward learning. Selvam’s openness to new experiences led him to discover a love for chemistry, showcasing the transformative power of approaching challenges with an open mind. His advice to make the most of the high school experience resonates with the idea that every moment in school is an opportunity for growth and learning.

Navigating the Back-to-School Transition

As students across the country prepare to return to school, the insights shared by elementary to high school students offer valuable guidance for a successful academic year. From learning about money and kindness to staying organized and building friendships, these tips underscore the importance of resilience, adaptability, and positivity in facing the challenges of the school year. By heeding the advice of their peers and embracing new experiences with an open mind, students can approach the upcoming school year with confidence and determination. As the new academic year unfolds, may these words of wisdom serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for students of all ages.