
As the 15th annual Summer Reading Contest comes to a close, we celebrate the winners and reflect on the experiences of students and judges who participated this year. With a total of 9,329 entries received over the 10-week duration of the contest, we have seen a remarkable display of creativity and dedication from young readers across the nation.

### Contest Winners Announced

This week, we are thrilled to announce the two top winners of the contest: Ranvir Sharma, 14, for his captivating video entry, and Aarushi Bahadur, 17, for her thought-provoking essay. Ranvir expressed his gratitude for the contest, stating that it was a valuable use of his time compared to other recreational activities. Aarushi shared her excitement at being recognized for her writing skills and participating in a competition that challenged her to explore new topics and perspectives.

### Student Perspectives

Many students who took part in the contest shared their positive experiences and the impact it had on their reading habits. Cindy Cristal Alberto Bonetti highlighted the valuable advice and resources provided throughout the contest, which she believes will benefit her as a writer for years to come. Kareena Gunawardana mentioned how the contest encouraged her to explore a wide range of articles, from mainstream news to opinion pieces, broadening her understanding of current events and issues.

Alice Nadtochiy reflected on how the contest expanded her news-reading habits, leading her to engage with articles on diverse topics such as feet, Ukraine, and anxiety. This shift in focus allowed her to gain a deeper insight into various subjects and develop a more well-rounded perspective on the world around her.

### Embracing New Formats

One of the exciting additions to this year’s contest was the introduction of a 90-second video option, which received positive feedback from many participants. Kareena Gunawardana expressed how the video format allowed her to convey her thoughts more effectively and showcase her personality. However, there were also suggestions for improvement, with some participants requesting more guidance and feedback on their submissions to help them enhance their skills for future contests.

Looking ahead, the organizers of the contest have taken note of this feedback and plan to provide more detailed insights into the judging process for video submissions in the coming years. By offering constructive feedback to all participants, regardless of their outcome, the contest aims to support young writers and creators in honing their craft and growing their confidence in expressing themselves through different mediums.

### Words of Wisdom

Jawaher Korichi shared valuable advice for future participants, emphasizing the importance of selecting an article that resonates with them on a personal level. By connecting with the material on a deeper emotional level, writers can bring their unique voice and perspective to their entries, making them more compelling and engaging for the judges.

As we look back on another successful year of the Summer Reading Contest, we are inspired by the passion and creativity shown by young readers across the country. Their dedication to expanding their knowledge, exploring new ideas, and sharing their voices through writing and video submissions is a testament to the power of storytelling and the impact it can have on individuals and communities.

Thank you to all the participants, judges, and supporters who made this year’s contest a memorable and enriching experience. We look forward to seeing the continued growth and success of young writers and creators in the years to come.