
Collaborative Efforts of 9 School Districts to Support Students: A Unified Approach

In Durango, Colorado, a group of nine school districts in the southwest region has come together in a groundbreaking collaborative effort to support students in pursuing diverse career paths and educational opportunities. This unified approach aims to provide students with hands-on experiences, college-level courses, and access to high-demand industries to prepare them for successful futures.

A Unique Summer Program

For three dozen high schoolers in Durango, their summer break began with a unique program focused on climate and the environment. The students engaged in activities like rock climbing, mountain biking, and fly-fishing before diving into educational experiences. They learned how to create seedballs to aid in native plant recovery in burned areas, explored aquatic life in the Animas River after a mine spill, and studied water restoration through wetland exploration and beaver dam scouting.

Preparing for Future Careers

These hands-on experiences were designed to prepare students for potential careers in fields like forest ecology, aquatic biology, and conservation. Many of the students had already taken college-level environmental science courses at local high schools and Fort Lewis College, giving them a head start in pursuing their interests in the natural world. Autumn Schulz, a rising sophomore at Ignacio High School, shared her enthusiasm for the outdoor learning model and her passion for environmental science.

Rural Challenges and Collaborative Solutions

Rural schools often face challenges in providing advanced academic opportunities and career pathways for students. The collaborative efforts of the nine school districts in southwest Colorado have addressed these issues by pooling resources, partnering with higher education institutions and businesses, and creating new pathways for students. By offering a range of career and technical education courses in high-demand fields like building trades, health sciences, education, and the environment, the collaborative is ensuring that rural students have access to diverse educational opportunities.

Expanding Career and College Pathways

The Southwest Colorado Education Collaborative has worked to expand career and college pathways for students by conducting job market analysis, surveying student interests, and providing academic counseling based on this data. Teachers from different districts meet regularly to collaborate on curriculum and share industry-grade equipment. Employers in the region have created opportunities for students to explore careers through apprenticeships, job shadows, and internships. Some students have even earned job offers, workforce certificates, or associate degrees before graduating high school.

Financial Support and Future Sustainability

The collaborative has raised over $7 million in private and public funding to support these programs, but the future of the initiative is uncertain as federal pandemic relief funds are set to expire. Advocates are campaigning for permanent funding solutions and changes in state policy to sustain the collaborative efforts. The success of the collaborative has inspired similar alliances in other rural communities across the state, showcasing the impact of regional partnerships in creating educational opportunities for students.

Challenges and Adaptations

While the collaborative has faced challenges in leadership turnover, funding allocation, and course enrollment, it has continued to adapt and refine its approach. By simplifying their focus on specific career tracks and enhancing partnerships with local businesses, the collaborative is streamlining its efforts to ensure maximum impact for students. Through career fairs, job shadowing opportunities, and internships, students are gaining valuable real-world experience and connections in high-demand industries.

Impact and Future Growth

As of 2023, nearly 900 students across the nine districts have participated in environmental, agriculture, and outdoor recreation courses, with hundreds more completing building trades and welding programs. The collaborative’s annual report highlights the positive impact on student engagement and career readiness. With ongoing support from philanthropic and public funders, the collaborative model is poised for continued growth and replication in other rural communities.

Empowering Rural Communities

The success of the collaborative in southwest Colorado serves as a model for empowering rural communities to create innovative solutions for education and workforce development. By building strong partnerships with higher education institutions, businesses, and community organizations, the collaborative has opened doors for students to explore diverse career pathways and gain valuable skills for the future. Through ongoing collaboration and support, rural schools can continue to provide meaningful opportunities for students to thrive and succeed in a rapidly changing world.