
Miami’s Teacher Accelerator Program: Addressing the Teacher Shortage in South Florida

In response to the growing teacher shortage in South Florida, Achieve Miami’s Teacher Accelerator Program (TAP) has been making significant strides in preparing new teachers for full-time positions in Miami-Dade County. The program, which started at the University of Miami in 2023 and expanded to Florida International University and Miami-Dade College, is now in its second year and has successfully graduated 151 participants who are ready to enter the classroom as full-time teachers for the upcoming school year.

Leslie Miller Saiontz, the Founder of Achieve Miami, emphasized the importance of addressing the teacher shortage to ensure the success of Miami students. While Miami students are performing well compared to their peers in other major cities, there are still learning gaps that need to be addressed. A strong education system is crucial for the long-term viability of South Florida’s economy, and building a robust pipeline of teachers is key to achieving this goal.

With more than 5,000 vacant teaching positions in Florida on the first day of school for the 2023-24 school year, according to the Florida Education Association, the need for qualified teachers is evident. TAP aims to fill this gap by providing a clear path to teaching for college seniors and career changers through a structured program that includes a one-semester course, a six-week paid summer internship, earning a teaching certification, and ultimately being hired by a school in Miami-Dade County.

Jasmine Calin-Micek, the Senior Director of the Teacher Accelerator Program, highlighted the program’s success in attracting talented individuals to pursue a career in education. By offering an accessible onramp to teaching, TAP has demonstrated that there is a high demand for dedicated educators in South Florida.

The success of TAP in Miami has sparked interest from other universities looking to replicate the program nationally. Achieve Miami is currently in discussions with potential partners to expand the Teacher Accelerator Program to other states, with the hope of creating a new generation of educators who are well-equipped to make a positive impact in the classroom.

As the first initiative of its kind in Florida, TAP is entirely privately funded through donations raised by Achieve Miami, including contributions from nearly 500 donors during the Miami Foundation’s 2023 Give Miami Day. The program’s success is a testament to the community’s commitment to supporting education and ensuring that every student has access to high-quality teachers.

For individuals interested in pursuing a career in education, TAP offers a comprehensive and streamlined program that provides the necessary skills, knowledge, and certification to excel in the classroom. By taking the first step towards becoming a teacher through TAP, participants are not only preparing themselves for a fulfilling career but also contributing to the future success of Miami-Dade County’s education system.

In conclusion, Achieve Miami’s Teacher Accelerator Program is playing a vital role in addressing the teacher shortage in South Florida by preparing a new generation of educators to enter the workforce. With a clear path to teaching and a focus on providing the necessary support and resources, TAP is empowering individuals to make a meaningful impact in the lives of students across Miami-Dade County. To learn more about the Teacher Accelerator Program and how to get involved, visit