
**Empower Your Voice: Enter Our Opinion-Writing Contest Today**

Are you passionate about a certain issue that you believe needs to be addressed? Do you have strong opinions that you want to share with the world? If so, then our Open Letter Contest is the perfect platform for you to make your voice heard. From March 12 to April 16, 2025, we are inviting students to submit public-facing letters to individuals or groups about topics that matter to them. This is your chance to speak up, express your thoughts, and potentially make a real impact on the world.

**What’s Your Cause?**

What is it that bothers you? Who has the power to make a difference in this area? And how can you persuade them to take action? These are the questions we want you to consider as you craft your open letter. An open letter is a published letter of protest or appeal that is typically directed towards a specific recipient but intended for a wider audience. Think of the countless “Dear Taylor Swift” open letters that can be found online – they may be addressed to a specific person, but they serve as a platform for the writer to share their opinions on various topics, such as feminism, ticket sales, or the music industry.

**The Power of Persuasion**

As you delve into the world of open letters, consider the literary device at play. While it may seem like you are addressing a single individual or group, your letter is actually a persuasive essay aimed at the public. Take, for example, Martin Luther King’s iconic “Letter From Birmingham Jail” – though it was directed towards specific individuals, its impact resonated far beyond its initial recipients. Similarly, letters like the one signed by tech leaders warning of the dangers of A.I., the humorous letter to Harry and Meghan, and the heartfelt video letter from young Asian Americans on Black Lives Matter all showcase the power of open letters in sparking conversations and driving change.

**Crafting Your Letter**

Now it’s your turn to join this tradition of impactful communication. Write your own open letter to anyone you choose, on any issue that is important to you. Whether it’s a call to action on climate change, a plea for social justice, or a message of hope for the future, the possibilities are endless. Just ensure that your letter is appropriate and meaningful for a general audience. Unsure of where to start? Our rules and FAQ, along with helpful resources like the Student Opinion forum and how-to guide, can provide you with the guidance you need to kickstart your writing journey.

As you embark on this creative endeavor, remember that your voice matters. Your words have the power to inspire, educate, and ignite change. So, take this opportunity to share your thoughts, express your passions, and make a difference in the world. We can’t wait to read your letters and see the impact you can make.

Remember, your voice has the power to shape the future. Don’t miss this chance to make your mark on the world. Submit your open letter today and let your words be heard.