
Back to school night is a big deal for teachers. It’s a chance to meet parents, share your plans for the year, and show off the amazing work you do. But it can also be super stressful. Luckily, veteran teacher Thomas Courtney has some tips to make it easier.

First things first, send out invitations. One teacher suggests having students create the invites themselves. This personal touch really gets parents excited to come. Another tip is to give students jobs for the night, like being food monitors or art gallery docents. When kids are involved, parents are more likely to show up.

When it comes to the actual event, keep your presentations short and sweet. Parents have a lot of classes to visit, so they’ll appreciate it if you get straight to the point. Make sure the room feels welcoming too. Play some music, offer snacks, and keep the lighting soft. Little touches like these can go a long way in making parents feel comfortable.

Having a theme for the night is a great idea. You can find affordable themes online that will impress parents without causing you extra stress. And don’t forget to have important paperwork on hand. Collect forms and information from parents, and provide them with any necessary documents for the school year.

After the event, send a thank you note to parents who attended. Let them know you appreciate their support and look forward to discussing their child’s progress at future conferences. Overall, back to school night doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a little preparation and these helpful tips, you can host a successful and stress-free event for everyone involved.