
Summary: Rethinking Solutions for National Math Education

As the nation grapples with the persistent issue of low math proficiency among students, a shift in approach is essential. Rather than relying on traditional methods of teaching math through disconnected problems, the key lies in making math relevant and applicable to students’ lives and future careers. This shift towards relevance has the power to engage students, increase motivation, and ultimately improve learning outcomes. Dr. Bill Daggett’s “rigor-relevance-relationship” framework underscores the importance of connecting math concepts to real-world scenarios to enhance student engagement.

A New Approach to Math Instruction: The Power of Relevance

In the quest to revolutionize math education, Dr. Joseph Goins, founder of Pathway2Careers, embarked on a journey to transform the way math is taught in schools. Drawing from his experience as a former math teacher and education innovator, Dr. Goins recognized the critical need to shift the focus from rote problem-solving to practical, career-connected learning. This shift towards relevance was not just a theory but a proven solution to engage students and enhance their understanding of math concepts.

Through Pathway2Careers’ innovative curriculum that integrates math with real-world career contexts, students experienced a remarkable transformation in their attitudes towards math. In a pilot study conducted in 2021, students overwhelmingly responded positively to the new approach, with 100 percent reporting increased interest in learning math through career-connected lessons. This shift in engagement was further reinforced by a comprehensive survey of 537 students across grades 7-11, highlighting a measurable increase in motivation and curiosity about math’s application in various career fields.

The Impact of Relevance on Student Learning Outcomes

The results of Pathway2Careers’ approach to math instruction were nothing short of extraordinary. Students not only demonstrated heightened engagement and interest in learning math but also achieved significant growth in their learning outcomes. Quantile assessments administered at the beginning and end of the academic year revealed remarkable gains across different math levels, surpassing national averages by wide margins.

In Pre-Algebra, students exceeded the expected gains by 101 Quantiles, while Algebra I students achieved more than triple the expected gains. Geometry learners and Algebra II students also outpaced the norm by substantial margins, showcasing the transformative impact of relevance on student learning outcomes. By embedding math concepts within real-world contexts, students not only mastered math content but also began to view math as a critical tool for their future success.

As Dr. Goins aptly puts it, the key to improving math education lies in answering the fundamental question of when students will use math in real life. By contextualizing math and making it relevant to students’ career aspirations, educators can unlock the full potential of their students and pave the way for a brighter future.

Author: Dr. Joseph Goins, Pathway2Careers

Dr. Joseph Goins is the founder and CEO of Pathway2Careers, LLC, and a former Tennessee Teacher of the Year nominee. To learn more about Pathway2Careers, visit