
More than half of teachers and district administrators who are actively using AI are using it to enhance student learning experiences, according to Cambium Learning’s recent survey. This highlights the significant impact AI is having on the education sector and its potential to support teachers, students, and schools in meeting evolving needs.

The survey revealed that teachers are utilizing AI to personalize student learning experiences and improve outcomes. While some are using AI for administrative tasks like proofreading writing and lesson planning, others are leveraging it for real-time performance tracking, feedback, and helping students develop critical thinking skills. Administrators are also using AI to streamline administrative tasks and interpret student data, among other functions.

Despite the benefits of AI, there are several challenges hindering its adoption in education settings. Data privacy and security concerns, inadequate teacher training on AI usage, and uncertainty about AI’s effectiveness in improving student outcomes were identified as key barriers. Additionally, ethical concerns, limited internet access, and lack of technical support pose further obstacles to widespread AI implementation.

While post-pandemic challenges persist, the increased use of technology is generally viewed positively by teachers and administrators. The majority of teachers plan to remain in the profession, with many citing technology as a key factor in streamlining tasks and personalizing student learning. Technology adoption is also seen as a way to attract more teachers to the profession.

As AI and advanced technology continue to shape the education sector, new demands, skills, and risks are emerging. Schools are introducing new requirements and opportunities to prepare educators for this evolving landscape. Many teachers and administrators are now required to undergo edtech and cybersecurity training, and some schools have created new job positions such as Educational Technology Specialist and AI Development Expert to meet the changing needs of the education profession.

In conclusion, the use of AI in education marks a transformative shift in teaching and learning practices. As AI becomes more ubiquitous in K-12 schools, educators must adapt to new technologies and acquire the necessary skills to navigate this changing landscape effectively. Despite the challenges, the education community remains resilient and innovative in embracing new technologies to empower students and educators for the future.