
Dan Goldhaber, the Director of the Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER), recently conducted a study to analyze the impact of federal ESSER funds on K-12 schools in 2023. The research, titled “ESSER and Student Achievement: Assessing the Impacts of the Largest One-Time Federal Investment in K12 Schools,” was co-authored by Goldhaber and Grace Falken.

The study looked at 5,000 districts across 30 states to determine the effects of the ESSER funds on math achievement among students. The findings revealed that while the federal relief funds did have a positive impact on math achievement, the effects were only modest.

Dan Goldhaber discussed the research findings with Paul E. Peterson on The Education Exchange podcast. The episode is available on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, and the Education Next website for those who are interested in learning more about the study.

The analysis conducted by Goldhaber and Falken provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the ESSER funds in improving math achievement in K-12 schools. While the impact was not as significant as some had hoped, the findings can still inform future decisions regarding the allocation of federal funds to educational programs.

This research highlights the importance of evaluating the outcomes of federal investments in education to ensure that the funds are being used effectively to support student achievement. By studying the impact of initiatives like the ESSER funds, policymakers and educators can make more informed decisions about how to best allocate resources to improve educational outcomes for all students.