Eduardo Crespo’s documentary takes viewers on a journey through the daily lives of young boys at Las Delicias, an agro-technical boarding school in Argentina. While the boys’ routines may seem ordinary at first glance, the film captures the beauty in their simple moments of friendship and growth.
Many of the students at Las Delicias are passionate about agriculture, while others are seeking a fresh start after facing challenges in other schools. The camera follows these boys closely, showcasing snippets of their experiences as they navigate adolescence. From moments of vulnerability in the doctor’s office to acts of kindness towards injured animals, the film paints a heartfelt portrait of these young individuals.
Despite its short duration, the documentary falls short in fully exploring the inner workings of Las Delicias as an educational institution. Questions arise about the presence of female students and the overall structure of the school, leaving some aspects unaddressed. However, the focus on the boys’ emotional journeys remains poignant and engaging.
As one group of students graduates and another enters the school, the cyclical nature of youth is highlighted. The film serves as a reminder of the universal experiences of growing up and the bonds formed during these formative years. Through its intimate portrayal of adolescent life, “The Delights Review” offers a glimpse into the unseen world of young boys finding their place in the world.