Lingokids, a well-known early learning app for children, just introduced a new animated series called “Baby Bot’s Backyard Tales.” This series follows the adventures of Baby Bot and his friends in the backyard, aiming to engage children in a fun and playful way while teaching them important lessons about kindness, compassion, creativity, and honesty.
Cristobal Viedma, the founder and CEO of Lingokids, expressed his excitement about the launch of “Baby Bot’s Backyard Tales.” He mentioned that the series is designed to not only educate children but also provide families with a wonderful opportunity to bond and learn together. Viedma emphasized that the show focuses on developing social-emotional skills in children, empowering them to succeed both now and in the future.
The first three episodes of the series tackle various social-emotional topics and life lessons. “The Mysterious Magic Stick” teaches children about honesty and respecting others’ belongings, while “The Best Nest in the World” explores empathy and appreciating differences. Lastly, “Bee-YOU-tiful!” is a heartwarming story that promotes body positivity and self-acceptance.
“Baby Bot’s Backyard Tales” is currently available on the Lingokids app, offering users an exclusive one-week premiere of new episodes before they are released on the company’s YouTube channel.
Lingokids, founded in 2015, is dedicated to revolutionizing the way children learn traditional and modern life skills. With its Playlearning™ approach, Lingokids provides interactive and engaging learning experiences that empower children to take charge of their educational journeys. The platform has garnered the trust of over 95 million families worldwide, offering a range of educational resources such as the Lingokids app, podcasts, videos, and more.
In conclusion, “Baby Bot’s Backyard Tales” is a valuable addition to Lingokids’ educational offerings, providing children with entertaining content that also instills important values and skills. The series is a testament to Lingokids’ commitment to creating high-quality educational entertainment for young learners.